Packard, Alpheus S.: Monograph of the Bombycine Moths of America North of Mexico.

600,00 CHF inkl. MwSt.

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Packard, Alpheus S.:  Monograph of the Bombycine Moths of America North of Mexico. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895-1914. 3 parts in 3 vol. 4°. 391, 147, 516 pp. 223 pl (thereof 87 in colour) and 10 maps (thereof 1 in colour).. Contemporary cloth.

Nissen ZBI, 3060. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 7 part 1; vol 9 and vol 12 part 1. Vol 7 followed by the second part: Catteli, Mc Keen and Dolley, Charles: On Reaction-Times and the Velocity of the Nervous Impulse. pp 393-484. 5 pl in colour and 5 folded tables. Vol. 7 and 12 ex-library copies with ex-libris and accession No. on the back. Binding rubbed and bumped.

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Naturwissenschaften / Natural History, Arthropoda – Gliederfüssler / Arthropod, Insekten – Entomologie / Insects – Entomology, Zoologie / Zoology